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When we say happy families, we really mean blissfully happy families.
Customer Testimonails

GuruKrupa Group has exhibited a real commitment to customer service…

We are so delighted with our house. The design is outstanding, while the quality is clearly superior to that of new homes in many other developments we have visited. In addition, GuruKrupa Group has exhibited a real commitment to customer service going to great lengths to insure we were completely satisfied with our purchase.

Kevin Rodrigues
Customer Testimonails

We love our home and would recommend GuruKrupa Group

GuruKrupa Group is a great builder & developers to work with. They are helpful and attentive at every step of the way making purchase of our dream home easy. We love our home and would recommend GuruKrupa Group.

Mr. Parekh
Customer Testimonails

GuruKrupa Group turned our home buying process into paradise!

GuruKrupa Group turned our home buying process into paradise. From start to finish, the patience and professionalism of their sales team transformed our dream into a reality. We absolutely love our home and so does everyone who comes to visit. The continuous compliments from others verifies our decision

Devendra Khare
Customer Testimonails

GuruKrupa Group surprised us by exceeding our highest expectations…

When you buy a property which is still under construction you have to take a chance that the finished product will come up to what you have been led to expect. Sometimes you may be disappointed. In our case, there was no disappointment. On the contrary, what GuruKrupa Group presented to us in the end very pleasantly surprised us by exceeding our highest expectations. Integrity, trustworthiness, courtesy, service, quality, attention to detail, artistic flair, professionalism ... the list could go on and that is what we found. We have no hesitation in recommending GuruKrupa Group as one of the finest builder & developers in Mumbai

Mr & Mrs. Ojha
Customer Testimonails

Commendable, model flat shows the quality and dedication of the builder!

Commendable, model flat shows the quality and dedication of the builder. Progress is as per schedule and I wish GuruKrupa Group all the best with god’s blessings for much prosperity.

Mr. Allen Fernandez
Customer Testimonails

Supportive, Good co-ordination & time flexibility!

GuruKrupa Group are very supportive to their customers, good coordination, and timely flexibility to pay instalments, very competitive prices and striving their best to get goodwill from customers!

Mr. Prassanna
Customer Testimonails

We would recommend GuruKrupa Group to anybody with utmost confidence.

Recently, in search of a decent living space in the city of Mumbai, we went through a lot of brochures and websites. But what helped us take a decision was a reference of a friend that brought GuruKrupa Group in to our consideration list. Unlike the other developers whose executives were luring us with offers and discounts, at GuruKrupa Group we could meet the man behind the venture himself. A brief discussion with him was enough for us to come to a decision. After booking the apartment we could see that the transparency and quality he assured in his projects were not only in his words but it reflected also in each and every step of the construction and after sales service. We would recommend GuruKrupa Group to anybody with utmost confidence.

Mr. Amarjit Singh
Customer Testimonails

I’m proud to be one of the owners of GuruKrupa Group projects

It has been more than two decades since we have bought our apartment in Shubh Residency in Andheri. I’m a proud to be one of the owners of GuruKrupa Group projects. In their projects what appealed to me most, apart from the trustworthiness of this company, was their expertise in utilizing space. In Shubh residency, where I own an apartment, every inch of space is used wisely. Only an expert and experienced builder can do that, I believe. And I’ve only good things to say about their very responsive and responsible after sales service. I’ve suggested various GuruKrupa Group projects to my friends, relatives and colleagues many of whom are satisfied customers now!

Mr. Ajit Kumar
Customer Testimonails

My home is aesthetically designed with a wonderful ambience!

To the wonderful people at GuruKrupa Group I am extremely happy with the timely delivery of keys to me. My home is aesthetically designed with a wonderful ambience. The quality of construction and the premium fittings have surpassed all my expectations. This is definitely a premium apartment at an affordable price.

Manoj Kamath
Customer Testimonails

GuruKrupa Group kept me updated about the project’s progress on a regular basis and its completion was also on time.

I had been looking for an apartment in Mumbai suburbs for investment purposes for a long time without coming across anything that seemed like promising bet. Then, one day, I found the answer to all my prayers. The project was exactly what I was looking for, GuruKrupa Group kept me updated about the project’s progress on a regular basis and its completion was also on time.

Mrs. Shivani